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Arts & Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Playwriting: Waldo Theatre Workshop - NEW!
with The Waldo Theatre

Join award-winning playwright Teralyn Reiter as she guides participants through the process of brainstorming, writing, and editing a play. Participants will learn the fundamentals of playwriting and engage in thought provoking activities and games to learn how to develop their ideas into plays while also discovering ways to be inspired when the inevitable writer's block hits.
Handmade Cards - Session 1
with Lorna Plourde

Make your own cards with love. These classes will teach you how to make beautiful cards, providing instructions and techniques. You will make four unique cards, and each class will teach a different design. The instructor fee is $5 per class (payable the night of each class) and there is always a door prize. All supplies are provided.
Will run
Wooden Spoons: Introduction to Whittling - NEW!
with Jessica Steele

Spoon carving is a wonderful craft that allows you to create functional and beautiful wooden spoons using traditional hand tools. These spoons will be the size of a serving spoon with a handle of 6”-8”. Spoon carving is a wonderful craft that allows you to create functional and beautiful wooden spoons using traditional hand tools. These spoons will be the size of a serving spoon with a handle of 6” - 8”.
Goat Milk Soap Making
with Heather Emerson

Participants will make a batch of hot press goat milk soap using a variety of molds and having many scents and extra add-ins to choose from. Each person will come out of the class with 4-8 soaps, depending on the choice of mold and the recipe and know-how of how to make future batches at home. Each student will need to bring a dedicated crock pot and submersion blender/hand mixer to the class that night. All molds, scents, and soap materials will be provided by the instructor. Soaps will be ready for pickup the following week, due to curing time. The fee includes all materials.
Will run
Fishing Handline - Introduction to Whittling - NEW!
with Jessica Steele

Learn how to design and carve your own fishing handline. Each student will get materials to make up to two handlines, though only one may be completed during the class. Supplies include wood, line, hooks, and weights. We will go over everything from how to use your handline and cast it properly.
Acadian Arts Watercolor Painting Retreat at Harbor View House in Prospect Harbor, Maine
with Mary Laury

Your instructor, Mary Laury is an accomplished watercolorist and highly esteemed teacher. She encourages all her students to believe they can be successful. Painting is an exciting medium; it flows and moves and does beautiful things. If you have never painted in watercolors, we will start at the beginning. If you have painted before, you will pick up some new tips and tricks as well. We all learn together!
Painting Flower Portraits in Watercolor is the focus of this retreat.
Paint flower portraits realistically. You will paint pictures of flowers in detail, but more painterly than a scientific illustration. We won’t count veins, but we will count petals! Painting flowers is a wonderful exercise in observation.
Learn brush stroke and value
White on white flowers
Leaves, long and short
Iris, narcissus, orchids, tulips, and other spring flowers.
Materials list:
We will paint on smooth paper; Strathmore Series 500, one hundred percent cotton paper, either plate or vellum. This paper can be bought at Artist and Craftsman in Portland in large sheets, which we will cut up.
Bring a #2 round brush and a #6 round brush, pencil, palette, tube watercolors in the 3 primary colors and perhaps a green. Paper towels and water container. And bring a plant or flower specimen with no more than 9 petals. This is a slow and careful process and 9 petals and some leaves is enough happiness for us all.
Escape to a Grand Victorian Inn, the Harbor View House in Prospect Harbor on the coast of Maine, with an intimate group of artist, cooks and creatives! All meals are included in the workshop fee plus special activities to extend your learning from the day’s workshops, including a private house concert by Grammy balloted sing-songwriter, storyteller, and author Gordon Ward. Day students are welcome.
For more information about the workshop, call Mary at 207-632-2251. To book your stay at the inn call 207-963-9122 or visit
Feedback from recent participants:
“Great instructor!-Mary acts as a guide to develop our own style.“ “Easy no stress instruction.”
Thirsty Gourd Workshop: Gourd Water Bottle & Cup - NEW!
with Jessica Steele

In the Thirsty Gourd Workshop, we will create a water bottle and a cup from a bottle gourd. In the class, we will learn a little about the cultivating of these gourds, harvesting, processing, and then creating wonderful works of usable art. Students will have time to personalize their creations with paint designs or experiment with wood burning. A variety of stencils will be readily available, allowing students to add an extra touch of artistry to their cups and bottles.
Handmade Cards - Session 2
with Lorna Plourde

Make your own cards with love. These classes will teach you how to make beautiful cards, providing instructions and techniques. You will make four unique cards, and each class will teach a different design. The instructor fee is $5 per class (payable the night of each class) and there is always a door prize. All supplies are provided.