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in Multi-Session
Developing a Personal & Home Defensive Protection Plan
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

This three-hour course is NOT about installing an alarm system. It is about adjusting your awareness around you as you move through your day and your home. It is about doing mental exercises to handle the “what if’s” to keep you and your loved ones safe. Learn situational awareness, conflict avoidance, and how to access your home’s defense.
Students must have an audio- and video-enabled laptop, desktop, or tablet with reliable internet to participate in class. We do not recommend using a smartphone.
Weather for Outdoor Enthusiasts - NEW!
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

We’re spending more time outside and that is good. Learn how to integrate weather forecasts and your own reading of the weather signs to plan ahead and to best manage your outdoor activities - walking, biking, hiking, camping, paddling, boating, playing and exercising. Learn from a Master Maine Guide & Total Weather Spotter. Course is presented on Zoom. Students must have an audio- and video-enabled laptop, desktop, or tablet with reliable internet to participate in class. We do not recommend using a smartphone.
Understanding Constitutional Carry & Legal Use of Force
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

This three-hour course is for firearm owners and nonowners. You’ll learn what to do when you see an attack or if you are attacked and respond with force. You’ll learn how to contact the first responders, how prosecutors might view what you did, rules about concealed carry in the U.S. and Maine, and various ways to protect yourself without using a firearm. Students must have an audio- and video-enabled laptop, desktop, or tablet with reliable internet to participate in class. We do not recommend using a smartphone.